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About Linda Lyon Elementary

Welcome to Linda Lyon Elementary!

School Location & Phone:
2186 Trophy Drive, Heath, TX
Phone Number: 214-771-4910
Fax Number: 214-771-4911

School Hours:

  • Operational Start Time – 7:15am
    • Tutoring begins for all students
  • Breakfast Start Time- 7:00am
  • School Start Time -  7:45am
  • School Ends – 2:45pm

Student Handbook

Rockwall ISD annually publishes a Student Code of Conduct Handbook, which highlights the rules and policies for all campuses and school activities. Each student is required to comply with school policies or face disciplinary action. Please take time to read and understand the district handbooks so all students can achieve success.


Thank you for ensuring your children are at school each day and arrive on time. Attendance is a critical element for your child’s success. It is our mission at Linda Lyon Elementary to make every day an important learning opportunity. When students miss school they can make up the work, but they cannot make up the learning opportunity. Lost is the chance to ask questions, hear explanations, interact with their peers, and practice their skills under the watchful eye of the teacher. Additionally, student attendance directly impacts our funding from the state.

Please refrain from scheduling family trips during the school year. Grades for make-up work due to unexcused absences may be reduced by 15 points as directed by Rockwall Independent School District Policy EIA Local. If you have any questions or concerns regarding attendance procedures, please do not hesitate to contact Lori Bailey.